Swimming Lesson at Barfield School Terms and Conditions
We are still operating under certain covid restrictions as the school will be in operation whilst we are on the premises. The Terms and Conditions have been drawn up using the latest guidelines and discussions with Gov.uk, Swim England and Barfield School, as of 2021. These may be subject to change before swimming lessons restart.
If any parent, guardian, or child is showing signs of Covid 19, i.e. high temperature, cough or loss of taste and smell, please do not attend lessons. Under the track and trace if a person who has attended lessons and is diagnosed positive, could result in the pool being closed for 24 hours, for a deep clean or worse case closed for 14 days.
Parents/carers are to park at the bottom end of the car park, please adhere to the 5mph speed limited.
Earliest entry times to the car park are 4.20pm on weekdays and 8.50am on Sundays.
Children should be kept under close control at all times, in this dangerous and busy environment. When you have finished your lesson, please do not linger in the car park.
The turning circle is planted up and the raised beds in the car park are laid to grass. Please do not walk across these areas.
Your children will be met at the wooden farm style gate by the Rotunda. Please wait there for your swimmers to be collected by a member of our staff. Swimmers will be returned to the gate after their lesson, they will be under close supervision.
Please send your swimmers with their swimwear on underneath their normal clothes, plus hats and goggles. (No goggles for beginners please).
If you are running late, please wait for us to return for you.
Our telephone numbers are Vicky 07778763330 and Lesley 07887777647, should you be running late or for any other reason.
The changing rooms will be open for the swimmers to get dry and dressed after their lesson but only parents of children under 7 will be permitted inside to help with this. We will collect parents at the end of the lesson time and take you to the changing rooms.
Face masks are compulsory in the building. Please use the hand sanitisers placed in each of the changing rooms.
On Sundays only, the children will be collected and returned to the turning circle as the school will not be in progress.
Please be at the gate to receive your children as we cannot send them into the car park unattended.
We will be at the gate or turning circle (depending on day attending) 10 minutes before your lesson commences.
Dolphins Swim Academy Limited reserves the right to change or cancel a course at any time. Arrangements will be made to reschedule where possible.
All lesson times are subject to change. However, all participants will receive prior notice and when alternative lessons are offered, no refunds will be given.
If you decide you will be discontinuing your lessons, we ask for a 6-week term-time notice in writing (email is sufficient). If you fail to give us adequate notice, a 6-week fee will be payable unless we can fill your space.
Re-booking – invoices will be emailed just after each half-term with details of the term dates and fees. All fees must be paid by the due date or will incur a £10 administrative fee. If you are unable to pay by the due date, please let us know by email so that we can keep a record and no additional fee will be charged.
Classes are kept small in line with Covid 19 restrictions at the time. All our Dolphins instructors are qualified and experienced swimming teachers who hold the relevant Swim England certificates, or STA certificates, DBS checks and National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches (RLSS NRASTC) or Safety Training Award.
The Swim England National Plan for Teaching Swimming – (Stages and Water Skills, plus Distance awards) is used by Dolphins Swim Academy Limited. Children may achieve an award during the term and will be issued with the relevant badge slip and envelope. If you wish to purchase, please send in the correct money in the envelope provided to your next lesson. Certificates/badges will be handed to your child once produced.
Dolphins Swim Academy will have Risk Assessments and Insurance Policy documents at their office. These are reviewed every 12 months, or after an incident has occurred.
If you or your swimmer is unwell or unable to attend your lesson or a block of lessons, no refunds will be offered. We may be able to offer a make-up swim if we have room in any other class of the same ability at some point in the future.
Dolphins Swim Academy Limited does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss of property or articles left on the premises. Dolphins Swim Academy Limited shall not be held responsible for any personal injury or fatality that may occur.
Dolphins Swim Academy Limited can only take responsibility for children and young people in the water and on poolside. At all other times children remain the responsibility of their parents. You must inform us at Dolphins of a swimmer’s medical conditions or learning disabilities as soon as possible.
Please do not allow your child to swim if they have an open wound, any infectious disease, cough, cold, ear infection, head lice or stomach upset.
The swimming pool should not be used by persons who have consumed food within an hour and a half of lessons.
In the event of an emergency the person in charge (Supervisor) will blow one long blast on a whistle. All swimmers will wait quietly for further instructions from person in charge (Supervisor).
If it is necessary to clear the pool, when the instruction is given, all swimmers will move to the sides of the pool, leave the water and stand back from the side. Swimmers will line by the fire exit doors and wait. If it is necessary to evacuate the building, no attempt should be made to recover possessions from anywhere within the building. Parents are not to come to the pool building but wait ………
Swimmers will be taken to the Assembly Point in the top car park where a register will be taken.
In all instances a member of staff (Supervisor) will take charge and issue foil blankets as required.
In normal circumstances at Barfield School pool, we have male and female changing rooms. It is necessary that children and young people only change for swimming in the designated changing areas provided. Please be aware that the maximum age limit for a child to enter the changing rooms of the opposite gender is 8 years old. Due to the difficulty at Barfield, the swimmer should get changed in the correct gender changing room, but if accompanied by the opposite gender parent, they must use the changing room
Please ensure that swimming hats are worn by all swimmers, it is the parents’ responsibility to fit them. Goggles and hats should be named. We do not accept responsibility for goggles/hats left behind which are un-named.
Please arrive promptly for your lesson. Any parent who arrives late for the lesson should take their child to the poolside supervisor for them to take the child to the lesson. The teacher may not allow your child to join the swimming lesson if they are more than 10 minutes late.
Once your child is changed and ready for their lesson, please keep children away from the pool side edge until their teacher calls for them. Do not allow them to sit on pool side edge.
Be careful moving around the pool as surfaces can be slippery. The swimmers should not enter the water until told to do so by their teacher. No food may be brought onto or consumed in the changing rooms or on poolside/ Cold drinks are permitted but should be in spill proof plastic container. No glass containers or cans are permitted.
Please note that no outdoor footwear or pushchairs are not allowed onto poolside and if pushchairs are brought into the changing rooms, they must be kept near the outer door to avoid contaminating the changing room floor.
We will arrange with parents when suitable watching sessions will be available. You will be contacted by email before the watching session. If siblings are brought onto poolside; they are to remain seated during the lesson. Shoes must be covered using the blue overshoes provided.
Parents/Guardians of children under 8 must remain on the premises during their children’s swimming lessons.